Covid-19 | Security

How to monitor your security guard during Covid-19?

How to monitor your security guard during Covid-19? An employee monitoring app can help security guard service providers to monitor employee remotely

Security guard worldwide is an onsite job that requires physical interactions with the public. Since 2020, the covid-19 pandemic has created a significant business interruption in this sector. While the demand for security guard services has remained substantial, it is challenging for security guards to perform their duties as usual due to the risk of infection. 

A security guard is on duty during Covid-19

Monitoring security guard is more difficult during Covid-19

Many countries have implemented the lockdown policy and thus workplaces have switched to remote work. Some duties such as remote monitoring in the security guard services have been required. The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure in the UK has suggested such a rule. Security guards’ supervisors cannot check their subordinates’ work performance as frequently as before. It has created difficulties in monitoring security guards.

Security guard services have extra workloads during Covid-19 

Moreover, some medical-related tasks such as checking body temperature have become extra duties for security guards to perform while safeguarding buildings’ entrance. Security guards have borne an important responsibility to ensure visitors are well. What is more, supervisors’ responsibility is to complete the task of tracking security guards and instruct them correctly under Covid-19.      

a security guard is checking a visitor's body temperature
Source: The Guardian, a security guard is checking a visitor’s body temperature

An employee monitoring app provides security guard services with the function of remote monitoring to address the monitoring issue during Covid-19

To combat the issue of monitoring security guards, Marki has provided a feasible solution for security guard companies. It is a free real-time employee tracking app that can connect security guards, supervisors and other related employees. Security guards upload photos and videos with the checkpoint to Marki. Then the device automatically displays the checked location and time as watermarks on the photos.

In terms of the checked location, Marki has developed a mature GPS tracking system that can display precise location and users cannot amend easily. Regarding watermarks, users can opt for a variety of watermarks based on their work situation (i.e. clock-in, changing guard and security patrol). They can also customize their watermarks.

Once security guards have completed this step, they can send the photos or videos to their supervisors through the chatbox. By doing so, uploading photos in Marki is like taking attendance and updating work performance.

a photo of a security guard, with displayed location and time in Marki app
Source: Marki, a photo of a security guard, with displayed location and time in Marki app
a photo of a security guard, with customized watermarks based on work situation
Source: Marki, a photo with customized watermarks based on the work situation

Moreover, Marki is more than a chatting app as it has the function of information sharing as it in social media. Users in the group can view and comment on their team shared information through Marki moment. For example, when security guards have completed sending photos to their supervisors, they can synchronize this information to Marki moment so that the related employees can access their work performance. Users can complete via Marki to achieve remote monitoring, which is highly encouraged under the Covid-19 context. 

Marki moment where users can synchronize their photos to others
Source: Marki, Marki moment where users can synchronize their photos to others

Scenario I:  how supervisors and related employees monitor security guards by using Marki 

If related employees find that the security guards perform medical-related tasks incorrectly, they can point it out and correct it immediately. Moreover, it is common that security guards change guard at midnight. To confirm their actual work performance, especially under Covid-19 curfew, supervisors can finish tracking security guards via Marki instead of paying an onsite visit. 

Scenario II:  how companies that have outsourced security services communicate with security guards via Marki 

For companies that have outsourced security services to a third party, security companies can add their security service receivers into Marki and assist in tracking their work performance.  

In the past, these companies faced problems such as a lack of communication and trust. However, Marki can readily address these problems. With remote monitoring, such an employee tracking device has provided a transparent monitoring system to resolve asymmetrical information between security service providers and receivers. Also, the access of service receivers helps to boost security guard efficiency during the pandemic. All these procedures are conducted via Marki in which renders service receivers remote management.   


The global pandemic has inevitably troubled all industry sectors. It has also posed an enormous challenge to security guard companies globally. While firms are tackling these challenges, Marki is devoted to providing security guard companies assistance to overcome challenges.  

Marki is dedicated to providing solutions for different field services, including the construction industry, click for more instructions.    

Download Marki for free 

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