Covid-19 | Property Management

Can property management embrace challenges during Covid-19?

Can property management companies embrace challenges during Covid-19? Tracking your employee matters and find a remote monitoring solution

Property management duty and responsibility is about dealing with lots of chores in the daily route. It provides satisfying property management companies to tenants and manages the property manager employees from different positions efficiently within the minimum budget and time. 

Property management

During Covid-19, property managers have borne more duty and responsibilities than ever

The Covid-19 pandemic has spurred property management companies to come up with an urgent practice. Focusing on ensuring tenants’ and employees’ safety, property managers ought to adhere to the following guidelines: 

  • Social distance protocols
  • Installing ventilation in the building 
  • Medical-related practice at the entrance 
  • Emergency plan in response to Covid-19  

As you can see, each of these rules is relatively important as it safeguards people’s health in the building. It is no doubt that property management managers need to establish sophisticated property management training to ensure every employee practices well. 

National Real Estate Investor, property management practice for covid-19
Source: National Real Estate Investor, practice for covid-19

Remote monitoring is requested during Covid-19, including property management services

The Covid-19 restrictions on mobility have driven the shift to remote work. As a result, many property management professionals, including property managers, work from home if necessary. Undoublty, it has posed a significant challenge to property managers’ duty.

Property managers’ challenges I: Trust issues in remote monitoring 

Not all positions can suitably implement remote work modes, especially in property management services. While some property managers work from home to track employee productivity, frontline staff needed to work onsite to fulfill their duties. According to Harvard Business Review, approximately 40% of the supervisors and managers from different industries expressed their concern about employee productivity in remote work modes. Likewise, it is believed that property managers have similar concerns. 

what managers believe about remote worker performance
Source: Harvard Business Review, what managers believe about remote worker performance

We all know it is a cliche, but property management duty and responsibility is more than dealing with your tenants but also your employees

While the property management company stresses more on dealing with tenants, employee management should not be ignored. In fact, many of the property managers have been scratching their heads to think out a property management plan to lower the expense and improve profitability.

property managers' top priorities where profitability ranked at 3rd
Source: Buildium & NARPM, property managers’ top priorities where profitability ranked at 3rd

Property managers’ challenges II: Expense management in property management services is challenging 

The Covid-19 pandemic has driven some residents in metropolitan areas to move out of town. Housing and rental prices plummet in some places, so does property management income, as their revenues are highly related to the vacancy rate. Moreover, companies have spent extra costs on the Covid-19 practices. Two factors adding up together have created a significant challenge for property managers to handle with.  

Personnel expense management is feasible in property management 

Nevertheless, solutions are there. While high maintenance costs and below-market rents are inevitable in some circumstances, the control of personnel expenses may be a feasible option to optimize your budget. Prior to controlling personnel expenses, tracking employee productivity matters. 

To track your employee productivity, you need an employee tracking app. That is simple

Property management services should not miss the wave of the digital era. To cater to this industry sector, Marki has provided a property management system to help address employee productivity tracking. Further to that, it helps ensure the Covid-19 precaution takes effect in the workplace. 

It is an employee tracking app that includes photo taking, customized watermarks, location tracking, attendance and degree of job completion recording. Also, it is suitable in different business contexts.     

Marki Camera, employee managment app

External reading: Marki tutorial, instruction on how to use Marki

Step I: Time attendance

Say goodbye to the card-based and fingerprint time attendance software! A Contactless one is needed. Through using Marki, onsite employees can mark their attendance by uploading their selfies at the checkpoint. Then Marki generates the exact time and location at the corner of the photo, which users cannot edit. What is more, the ‘clock-in’ watermark is available and employees can select it. 

After they have completed these steps, they can forward these photos to the property manager as evidence. Moreover, when they are off duty, they can redo these steps again, yet choosing the watermark ‘clock-out.’ 

Marki has also developed a photo archive to store these photos. Property managers can view the attendance report automatically generated by Marki to access employees’ work hours.  

A cleaner in a property management company is recording attendance through Marki
A cleaner in a property management company is recording attendance through Marki
Member attendance records in Marki
Employee attendance records and work hours in Marki

Step II: Employee productivity tracking 

After employees have recorded their attendance, they can take photos of themselves while they are working. In that sense, property managers can know that their actual status. After they have completed the task, they can also take photos of the completion as evidence. Likewise, Marki generates precise locations and time on photos. Regarding watermarks, based on the job content, employees can customize the watermarks. For example, repairmen in the building can design their watermarks as ‘Building Maintenance, ‘Pipe fixing, etc. 

Customized watermarks based on job content, which is building disinfecting
Customized watermarks based on job content, which is building disinfecting

Step III: Introducing property management committee helps track employee productivity

Apart from the function of photo taking, Marki has innovatively developed a socializing function. It is Marki moment, in which users can synchronize their photos to other team members. Meanwhile, other team members can common on the photos in Marki moment. 

Property managers can add the committee to the team on Marki. On behalf of all tenants, the committee can help track employee productivity and ensure the quality of property management training. Both property managers can the committee can work together to track employees effectively.   

Marki moment, where property management committee can conduct remote monitoring
Marki moment, where the committee can conduct remote monitoring

Use Marki to gain some remote monitoring solutions 

In conclusion, facing the challenges of remote monitoring and expense management, Marki has provided remote monitoring solutions to improve employee productivity tracking efficiency to ensure the property management training is well-practiced. 

Marki is dedicated to providing solutions for different field services, including security guard services and construction progress management. Click for more details.      

Download Marki for free  

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