Cleaning Service

Cleaning business tips: How to satisfy your clients

Cleaning business tips: How to satisfy your clients. From a cleaning client’s perspective, what is a satisfying cleaning service experience?

Cleaning is part of people’s lives, either business owners or households. While many of them are hand-free from cleaning their place, the blooming cleaning business has helped them achieved this. Hiring a cleaning service is commonplace in daily life. However, many cleaning companies are in this market. How can you outweigh them and win the heart of cleaning clients?

Cleaning Business Tips: How to satisfy your clients

Start with cleaning clients’ thoughts: what do they consider while selecting a cleaning service? 

Even though residential cleaning and commercial cleaning are way different, these clients have similar considerations before choosing the right cleaning service.

1. Cleaning business’s  reviews and reputation 

Well, everyone indeed tends to check comments and reviews before they select any cleaning service. As an experience good, clients don’t know the quality until they consume it. Therefore, to minimize the cost that involves in receiving such service, checking reviews and comments matter. 

Residential cleaning clients may ask for referrals from their friends and family. Even though cleaning business providers can make their services sound excellent and credible on the website, comments from referrals can outweigh the web descriptions all the time! Besides, residential cleaning clients check the reviews and comments online to help make their decisions. 

Regarding commercial cleaning, since each organization has different demands, clients are likely to check complaints and comments as the only means. In other words, it’s less likely that they would ask for advice from referrals. Therefore, the comments and reviews listed online are essential for them to determine.  

2. What are the needs 

It is no doubt that service scopes vary case by case. Before selecting a cleaning service, some clients have clear cleaning business checklists in their minds. That is, the services they ask for. Afterward, they straight to the point and make decisions. However, new clients, who have never asked for cleaning services, are likely to confuse about what cleaning services are necessary for their place. 

3. Cost: how much is the cleaning service?

Service scope is essential. However, clients would not ignore the cost! They are likely to compare service package and price offers from different cleaning companies. Bargaining is likely to happen. Well, it depends on their cultural backgrounds.

4. Credential of the cleaning business 

Clients do care about the credential and experience of the cleaning service. How many years of experience do cleaning companies have? Does the company have any awards or accreditations? What kind of cleaning business equipment does the company have? Does the company provide sufficient cleaning business training to their employees? These questions keep hovering in clients’ minds. 

5. Cleaning service insurance and bonding 

No one wants to get involved in trouble or conflict, nor do cleaning clients. It could be that cleaners get injured when they are on duty, or the damage or loss of items. Cleaning service insurance and bonding can reassure clients as third parties bear the consequence of incidents. In this regard, clients can select the cleaning service without a high anxiety level.

Since you have a better sense of what clients are thinking about. Time to take some tips to improve the quality of your cleaning service experience!

Tips for improving quality of cleaning service

Tips for cleaning Business 1: Frequently check and respond to the reviews. Make compensation for inadequate services.   

Digram of service recovery
Photo Source: CustomerThermometer, digram of service recovery

It’s inevitable for a business to receive negative comments about services. However, they are not bad stuff. Instead, they endow you with an opportunity to recover your reputation, promote your brand and retain greater loyalty, according to the service recovery paradox. Therefore, when your business encounters bad reviews, respond to them immediately and ask for their dissatisfaction. Make some compensation if necessary. Then it’s likely that your business reputation will be recovered. 

Tips for cleaning business 2: Provide detailed cleaning service items, cleaning business checklist and pricing, be transparent. 

Cleaning Check List Template
Photo Source: Pinterest, cleaning checklist template

The ambiguity of terms is likely to cause clients anxiety. Unclear listed price or service range indicates the low professionalism of a cleaning company. Furthermore, cleaning clients are likely to perceive them as ‘frauds.’ Thus, it’s crucial for your firm to clarity all these terms. Don’t play tricks! 

Regarding the price setting, cleaning companies tend to set it low to win more market share. However, it would be best if you considered your firm operation beforehand. If it is too low, you can’t even cover the cost. If it is too high, clients may leave you. Therefore, you should set a reasonable price by considering your clients. One way to set reasonable pricing while retaining loyal clients is to know your firm’s positioning in the market. Are you providing high-end or cost-efficient cleaning services? What are your target clients; their income level and willingness to pay; the perceived necessary services? Make sure your target clients value your services. Meanwhile, take your cost into consideration. 

Using a cleaning business checklist reflects that your company is a professional and client-focused cleaning business. Even though your company may simultaneously provide similar services to different clients, you would likely change slightly to tailor to different needs. For example, you offer the same disinfection service to both Client A and B. However, Client B prefers extra cleanness of their kitchens as their employees usually cook in the kitchen. In that sense, your team needs to spend extra effort cleaning it, which may cost you more personnel and materials. These conditions may be subtle to mark down on the contract. However, by using a checklist, all the provided services all crystal clear. They are salient evidence of your provided services. They help eliminate conflicts between you and your clients.

Tips for cleaning business 3: Catch the wave of technology: latest cleaning business training, cleaning business app and cleaning business equipment 

Technology plays an essential role in improving your cleaning service. latest cleaning equipment, well-trained cleaners and cleaning business apps are available to the cleaning business, which further affects the firm’s quality of service. It is an excellent idea to gain industry insight by reading industry publications, attending meetings and conventions, and participating in trade organizations. It helps to design cleaning business training that you provide to your employees. Meanwhile, you have a better sense of the latest cleaning business equipment.

cleaning business equipment
Photo Source: ServiceMaster, cleaning business equipment

Using cleaning business apps, in particular, is a feasible method to optimize your business operation. For example, Marki, one of the apps that simplify your work routine, includes functions of employee work management and attendance recording. It’s also a watermark app for business. 

    • Employees can take a photo and customize watermarks based on their job content to record attendance and work progress. Then managers can view their images through the use of the team sharing function.
    • The photo archive can store and categorize photos based on the job content for future records and reference.
    • This cleaning app can also calculate work hours and generate attendance reports automatically, which helps managers to manage their personnel.
Photo Source: Marki, taking a photo and customize watermarks based on job content
Marki, Customized watermarks
Customized watermarks
Marki, photo archive based on job content
Photo archive based on job content
Marki, photo synchronization to team members
Photo synchronization to team members

However, how much you invest in the latest cleaning business equipment and cleaning business apps should be based on your budget and company size.   

Tips for cleaning business 4: Take good care of your employees, insure them. 

Your employee performance determines the cleaning service you delivered, which affects client satisfaction and business operation. Therefore, you should treat them well and empower them. Establish a bonus and incentive reward system to encourage them to perform their best. Insure them to ensure their health is being cared for, which provides a sense of security while they are on duty. 

In conclusion, updating your services equipment, training courses and devices; setting reasonable pricing and providing care for your employees are key factors that lead to satisfying cleaning service experience. With the use of a watermark app, it helps improve your service experience.   

Marki is dedicated to providing solutions for different field services, including security guard services, construction progress management, property management and landscaping management. Click for more details.   

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